Mar 14, 2010

Cocaine Abuse Causes

Addictive disease is believed to be caused by genetic background and environment. Those from high-risk family environments are particularly susceptible to the development of addictive disease, and they need to know this in their pre-adolescent period. However, the presence of an addict in the family does not mean that a person will become an addict.

* Researchers supported by the National Institute on Drug Abuse have identified a process in the brain that may help explain addiction to cocaine and other drugs of abuse. Their research indicates that repeated exposure to cocaine causes a change in genes that leads to altered levels of a specific brain protein. This protein regulates the action of a normally occurring brain chemical called dopamine. It is a chemical messenger in the brain associated with the cocaine's pleasurable "rush"-the mechanism of addiction. Certainly, more research is needed to unlock the mysteries of addiction, but this information adds one more link in explaining how the brain adapts in the addiction process.


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